Oscar with Hole in The Head Disease

Download fish stock photos of various members of the cichlid family including the Oscar fish which suffer from the hole in the head (HITH) disease, that leads to small holes in the region near the head and around the face area of the fish. The Oscar fish diseases pictures show you how they must be treated in a timely manner, so that you don't have to regret it later.

Oscar fish is a very popular tropical fish and is a member of the cichlid fish family, that originated in South America, in the waters of the Amazon. The Oscar fish is also known as the albino, red and tiger Oscar and it is found in variety of colors and patterns like albino, olive green, dark gray and brown.

Hole in the head (HITH) also known as lateral line erosion is a disease that is most commonly associated with cichlids, but can affect all kinds of fish. The fish stock photos above was an Oscars with a severe case of HITH disease.

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Swimming Fan Tail Goldfish Stock Photos

Download Swimming Fan Tail Goldfish photo image without registering! - Beautiful tropical aquarium stock photos of Swimming Fan Tail Goldfish. This ornamental fish is native to China and have a physique that is very funny and fun to look at. The relaxed style of swimming and crawling at the bottom of the water looks calm.

Find another high resolution Fan Tail Goldfish pictures and other high quality goldfish image on our stock photos library or you can buy stock photos for goldfish at stock photo sites to make decent profits trading goldfish to your local fish store. This exotic goldfish photos updated regularly!

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Super Leopard Snakeskin Discus Image

New Stock Photos of Super Leopard Snakeskin Discus fish with fry from "Tropical Fish Pictures". The leopard snake skin discus fish has a blue base color and the body is covered with red spots. The best looking leopard snakeskin discus fish are covered with many fine red spots all over the body of the discus.

Click the discus picture to view and download our free stock photos of Super Leopard Snakeskin Discus fish. Soon we will extend our stock photos with high quality super discus fish photo image from new Asian breeding strain.

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Swimming Swordtail Fish Stock Photos

Download Picture of Swimming Swordtail fish (Xiphophorus maculatus) stock photos, images and stock photography. Image Description: Swordtail Fish is an exotic ornamental fish species kept as a tropical aquarium fish commonly sold from fish shops and aquarists. The fish originate from Mexico and Brazil, Central America and highly variable in colour but usually bright orange on both body and fins with alternating silver and orange lines along the trunk. Feral populations often take on a bronze or olive color with an orange-red mid lateral stripe in natural waterways.

These colorful images are intended to communicate the sense of awe and wonder I have for these amazing Swordtail Fish. Find other Swordtail fish stock photo on the largest free stock photo sites on the web - download stock photos or share your own work.

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Blue Diamond Discus Fish Stock Photos

Picture of Blue Diamond Discus fish stock photo, images and stock photography. Image Description: Mostly colorful tropical Discus fish types was predatory but the Blue Diamond Discus fish from the spieces Symphysodon discus like on this stock photo prefer freeze-dried bloodworm and also tubifex, pellet foods made for Discus, high-quality flake food, and meaty frozen foods obtained from Tropical Fish Suppliers

These colorful images are intended to communicate the sense of awe and wonder I have for these amazing Discus Fish. Find other Discus fish stock photo on the largest free stock photo sites on the web - download stock photos or share your own work.

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Ick Disease on Goldfish Skin

Download royalty free stock photo of White Spot or Ich (ick) diseases on Swimming Goldfish skin to i stock photo and other common freshwater fish diseases for diagnosis and treatment. Clik on the fish disease photo i stock for download.

White spot, Ich or Ick photos provide in hi-resolution quality for easy diagnosis to this protozoan disease effect on the fish skin. The scientific name of white spot disease is Ichthyophthiriasis. It is wide spread in all fresh water fish, but is more common in aquarium fish and most likely because they live in close contact with other species and because of stress.

Find white spot disease pictures on other aquarium fish from the best stock photos sites or you can visit i stock photo for download royalty free stock photo of fish disease pictures, vectors and illustrations in better resolution to help you on fish diseases diagnosis and treatment.

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Ich Disease on Betta Fish Fins

Learn more about White Spot or Ich diseases on Betta fish by pictures from the best stock photo sites for fish and see how this common freshwater fish disease make the Betta fins no longer quite as long. The Betta fish as model on this image was killed by the disease from some new tetras in just 24 hours. Clik on the fish disease photo i stock for diagnosis and treatment.

White spot or Ich (ick) photos provide in hi-resolution quality for easy diagnosis to this protozoan disease effect on the fish skin. The scientific name of white spot disease is Ichthyophthiriasis. It is wide spread in all fresh water fish, but is more common in aquarium fish and most likely because they live in close contact with other species and because of stress.

This Ich disease on Betta Fish as shown on photo was one of many bad case of ich disease stock photos. You can find other fish disease pictures from best stock photos sites to get the high resolution i stock photo of fish disease including vectors and illustrations for diagnosis and treatment.

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Neon Tetra Having White Spot

Learn more about White Spot or Ich (ick) diseases on Neon Tetra, i stock photo of common freshwater fish diseases for diagnosis and treatment. Clik on the fish disease photo i stock for download.

White spot or Ich (ick) photos provide in hi-resolution quality for easy diagnosis to this protozoan disease effect on the fish skin. The scientific name of white spot disease is Ichthyophthiriasis. It is wide spread in all fresh water fish, but is more common in aquarium fish and most likely because they live in close contact with other species and because of stress.

Find other fish disease pictures from the best stock photos sites and you can get it in the high resolution. Also, i stock photo of fish disease including vectors and illustrations for diagnosis and treatment.

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Buy Stock Photos of Grass Guppy Fish

Download high resolution Grass Guppy fish stock photos in black background. This picture show how Grass Guppy as the development of Mosaic guppy. The Grass genes are shown from the pattern of the dorsal fin and tail fin of guppy in the dot spotting form or a fine knife form with black or dark blue color.

Grass patterned fine blade appear on the red grass guppy while the dots pattern on the blue grass guppy. But now, both varieties has a fine-dots patterns. In the early emergence of Grass varieties, the dorsal fin color was transparent so often called a glass grass.

This freshwater fish stock photos updated regularly! You can find other Grass Guppy images from the best stock photo sites here before buy stock photos with high resolution and different background color, including vectors and illustrations of wild guppy populations.

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Old Fashion Mosaic Guppy Stock Photos

Download Old Fashion Mosaic Guppy fish stock photos isolated in black background. Photo of Guppy with the Mosaic genes show shades or pattern of wavy lines on the Guppy fin. Its characteristic are blue color pattern at the base of the tail and stretching to the fin tail. The pattern always has a regular arrangement amongst blue with yellow or dark blue with red.

Find another high resolution Fancy Guppy fish photos with Mosaic shades at our fish stock photos library or you can buy stock photos to make decent profits trading guppies to your local fish store. This freshwater fish stock photos updated regularly!

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Leopard Guppy Stock Photos Isolated in Green Background

Download Leopard Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) isolated in green background without registering! - Beautiful tropical aquarium stock photos of Swimming Leopard guppy by Hung Tran Photography. Leopard guppy characterized by thick dots scattered randomly on the fins with a dark blue color to black. The possibility of gene varieties developed from the Mosaic, but also be found in crosses between Cobra Guppy with plain color guppy types.

Find another high resolution Fancy Guppy fish pictures with Leopard stripe on our stock photos library or you can buy stock photos to make decent profits trading guppies to your local fish store. This exotic freshwater fish photos updated regularly!

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Exotic Stock Photos of Tuxedo Guppy Fish

Download high resolution Tuxedo Guppy fish stock photos. See how the Tuxedo genes of guppy fish give a dark color at the rear guppy body like a black and blue color. The guppy photo also show how the Tuxedo genes was providing coloring effects and influence the size of the fin and generally cover the rear half of guppy body.

Find other exotic stock photos of Tuxedo Guppy from the best stock photo sites and get the high resolution stock photos including vectors and illustrations of tuxedo guppy populations in Japan and other guppy fish stock photos here.

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Japan Blue Guppy - Fish Stock Photos

Download high resolution Japan Blue Guppy fish stock photos - show how the characteristics of this type is the presence of blue sky at the side of male guppy, because other genes influence the color can vary from purple to turquoise.

The Japan Blue type thought to have originated from wild guppy populations in Japan. Recent developments of the Japan Blue type is Lazuli Guppy which generaly has a blue color on the head and tail.

Find other stock photos of Japan Blue Guppy from the best stock photo sites and get the high resolution fish stock photos including vectors and illustrations of wild guppy populations in Japan and other guppy fish stock photos here.

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Metallic Guppy - Fish Stock Photos

Download high resolution Metallic Guppy fish stock photos, show how the beautiful color blue or dark metallic gray on the male guppy body. Metallic Cobra is a combination of metallic genes and cobra genes. On this fish stock photos you can see it has a metallic-colored on head and chest and the rear body has a patterned cobra.

Find other Guppy stock photos from the best stock photo sites and get the high resolution fish stock photos, vectors, and illustrations of Metallic Guppy or other guppy fish photos here.

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Cobra Guppy - Fish Stock Photos

Download high resolution Cobra Guppy fish stock photos, show how the Cobra genes marked with a complexion like a snake skin on the entire body of male guppy fish with the color combination of black, white or yellow.

There are many Guppy fish stock photos with cobra stripe because this is the first pattern since can be identified and because it was very easily to crossbreeding. However, cobra pattern can also be found in the female guppy. Find other free photo stock of Cobra Guppy fish from the best aquarium images library and get the high resolution fish stock photos, vectors, and illustrations of Cobra Guppy here.

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Download Fish Stock Photos

Welcome to Fish Stock Photos, one of many online photo libraries for freshwater tropical fish images with a helpful information, high resolution stock photos, vectors, and illustrations.

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