Download high resolution Grass Guppy fish stock photos in black background. This picture show how Grass Guppy as the development of Mosaic guppy. The Grass genes are shown from the pattern of the dorsal fin and tail fin of guppy in the dot spotting form or a fine knife form with black or dark blue color.
Grass patterned fine blade appear on the red grass guppy while the dots pattern on the blue grass guppy. But now, both varieties has a fine-dots patterns. In the early emergence of Grass varieties, the dorsal fin color was transparent so often called a glass grass.
This freshwater fish stock photos updated regularly! You can find other Grass Guppy images from the best stock photo sites here before buy stock photos with high resolution and different background color, including vectors and illustrations of wild guppy populations.
Labels: Buy Stock Photos, Fish Stock Photos, Guppy Stock Photos