Download fish stock photos of various members of the cichlid family including the Oscar fish which suffer from the hole in the head (HITH) disease, that leads to small holes in the region near the head and around the face area of the fish. The Oscar fish diseases pictures show you how they must be treated in a timely manner, so that you don't have to regret it later.
Oscar fish is a very popular tropical fish and is a member of the cichlid fish family, that originated in South America, in the waters of the Amazon. The Oscar fish is also known as the albino, red and tiger Oscar and it is found in variety of colors and patterns like albino, olive green, dark gray and brown.
Hole in the head (HITH) also known as lateral line erosion is a disease that is most commonly associated with cichlids, but can affect all kinds of fish. The fish stock photos above was an Oscars with a severe case of HITH disease.
Labels: Fish Diseases, Fish Stock Photos, Oscar Stock Photos
I also have this fish on my aquarium and they have many color variations
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